Judge: Mr Ray Sillence (Canina, UK)
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BIS: Ch Goldog Alpine Highland
RUBIS: Ch Ramgold Rhyme n Reason
DCC: Ch Goldog Alpine Highland
RDCC: Bradenwood Royal Rascal
BCC and RUBIS: Ch Ramgold Rhyme n Reason
RBCC: Coombehill Annabelle (Q)
* denotes Best in Class in Show
Baby Puppy Dog (12 entries/2 absent)
1 Goldenaces Alexis Zahr (Dalos)
2 Kezziah All in Brawl (Tyler)
3 Leighvalley Barnstormer (Krajnc)
4 Aurum High Intensity (Harding)
Minor Puppy Dog (11 entries)
1 Annador Just It and Abit (Marmo)
2 Nireno Caramello Kid (Ramsay)
3 Waikipark Vindicator (Ponton)
4 Chaleur Eternal Flame (Sterrett)
Puppy Dog (10 entries/1 absent)
1 Beaucroft The Brigadier (McAdam)
2 Goldensam Caspar Boy (Nash)
3 Glengun Golden Ruler (Kilgour)
4 Sovanna Golden Zachary (Jenkins)
Junior Dog (7 entries/1 absent)
1 Gold-Storm of Warlaven (imp NZ) (McAdam)
2 Leighvalley Ambrose (Krajnc)
3 Goldog Alpine Goodshow (Duynhoven)
4 Coombehill Barney (McKittrick)
Intermediate Dog (21 entries/5 absent)
1 Ch Goldog Alpine Highland (Harrowfield)**
2 Uneek Robinson Crusoe (Mackender)
3 Tahmero Pips Audacity (Kewish)
4 Fantango London Gambler (Dulke)
5 Holmcroft Lucky Me (Inglis)
6 Dewmist Silverado (imp Swd) (Handley/Dulke/Pierce)
Australian Bred Dog (21 entries)
1 Ch Pointgold Unbelievable (Watkins)
2 Diogenes Stacked Deck (Kilgour)
3 Ch Fernfall Sun Down (Day)
4 Ch Tahmero Minxs Maverick (Kewish)
5 Ch Sambindor Kipling Comet (Nicholl)
6 Taransay Ainslie (ai) (Kaspura)
Open Dog (26 entries/3 absent)
1 Bradenwood Royal Rascal (Gibbs)
2 Ch Fernfall Sun Power (Fall)
3 Tasvane Indiana (imp UK) (Sterrett)
4 Ch Akaisha Piquet (Higgins)
5 Ch Cameoroyale Amandus (Daniel)
6 Ch Sovanna Francesco (Green |
Baby Puppy Bitch (12 entries/3 absent)
1 Bradenwood Hot Gossip (Gibbs)**
2 Goldenaces Akayshia (Higgins)
3 Ribbonwood the Diva (Kilgour)
4 Donsue New Lady in Town (Williamson)
Minor Puppy Bitch (14 entries/2 absent)
1 Alubyc Georgia (Mackender)**
2 Annador Just Remember (Fall)
3 Tahmero Caddys Lark (Nicholl)
4 Goldog Alpine Keely (Brophy)
Puppy Bitch (10 entries/2 absent)
1 Ramgold Ritzlyn (Ramsay)**
2 Fernfall Stand Byme (Gibson)
3 Fernfall Ongolden Pond (Cunningham)
4 Beaucroft by Design (McAdam)
Junior Bitch (8 entries/3 absent)
1 Coombehill Annabelle (McKittrick)**
2 Ralun Chartered West (Lynch)
3 Tiptree Ttycom Tchade (Nicholl)
Intermediate Bitch (21 entries/4 absent)
1 Goldshyne Majestik Maid (Kilgour)
2 Ch Buffalo Blush n Bride (Kewish)
3 Tasvane Elizabeth (Kaspura)
4 Wyandra Hugs n Kisses (Hillyer)
5 Tasvane Spring Morning (McDonald)
6 Ribbonwood Dream a Dream (Coutlemanis)
Australian Bred Bitch (19 entries/3 absent)
1 Ch Tweedwater Brengwain (McAdam)**
2 Fantango Romancn t’Stone (Dulke)
3 Ch Keridee Classic Cameo (Dekker/Stephens)
4 Megajames Ailleen Girl (Caddy)
5 Glenyarra Bliss (Williamson)
Open Bitch (18 entries/5 absent)
1 Ch Ramgold Rhyme n Reason (Ramsay)**
2 Ch Glenregal Royal Elegance (Robinson)
3 Ch Akaisha Grandprix Feva (Moore)
4 Pointgold Unforgetable (Fall)
5 Ambervalley Sound O’Music (Kowalski) |